Visiting Ringers


Visiting Ringers

Wanborough welcomes visiting ringers and because of its location, just 1.8 miles from Junction 15 of the M4 motorway, it is a convenient tower for visiting ringers.

  • Upstairs Ringing Chamber:  48 steps
  • No toilet facilities

Should you wish to visit Wanborough please can you give at least 6 weeks notice so that that notice of all additional ringing can be put in the Parish Magazine.

We do not charge for visiting ringers but do ask for a voluntary donation to cover wear and tear of ropes, future maintenance, etc.

Peals and Quarter Peals

One peal attempt is permitted each year, on Saturdays between November and February.

There is no restriction on quarter peals, but it is best to contact the tower captain first to check availability.

We suggest a minimum voluntary donation of £120 (£15 per rope) for peals, and £40 (£5 per rope) for quarter peals.    


Wanborough ShowFor Community and Local Heritage

Third Saturday in August
I regret that the belfry and tower roof of St Andrews Church, Wanborough
will not be open for tower tours on Show days in the future.

Health & Safety guidelines of the church insurer, Ecclesiastical Insurance,
has resulted in the tower roof not conforming to their requirements.

Tower tours as far as the ringing chamber may take place, where a camera in the belfry, and a monitor in the ringing chamber allows visitors to ring a bell, and see it moving.

The ringers of the tower have opened up the tower for many years without incident, and we would like to thank all of you for visiting.  Not only have tower tours been enjoyed by many visitors, they have been a useful source of income to the church.

Tony Pullan - Tower Captain