Quarter Peals at Liddington
Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association
Sunday, 18 December 2016 in 39 mins (8–2–11 in A)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 George Eycott
2 Donna Pullan
3 Daniel Knight
4 Nicky Pullan
5 Tony Pullan (C)
6 Malcolm Barnes
First Quarter Peal on the bells.
Rung before the Family Communion Service.

L - R: George, Nicky, Donna, Tony, Daniel and Malcolm
Photo: Chris Hicks
Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association
Sunday, 8 January 2017 in 42m (8–2–11 in A)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Donna Pullan
2 Sarah Knight
3 Alan Eyles (C)
4 Katie Pullan
5 Rose-Anne Kimber
6 James Warren
Rung before Evensong
First in method on bells

L - R: Donna, Sarah, Alan, Katie, Rose-Anne and James
Photo: Chris Hicks
Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association
Sunday, 12 February 2017 in 40 mins (8–2–11 in A)
1260 Doubles (2m)
300 Grandsire and 960 Plain Bob
1 Anne E Jones
2 Ann Eyles
3 Peter Eyles
4 Daniel Knight
5 Malcolm Barnes (C)
6 Tony Pullan
Most methods on the bells.
Rung before Evensong.

L - R: Anne, Ann, Peter, Daniel, Malcolm and Tony
Photo: Chris Hicks
Gloucestershire & Bristol Diocesan Association
Sunday, 12 March 2017 in 41 mins (8–2–11 in A)
1260 Plain Bob Minor
1 Sarah Knight
2 Tony Pullan
3 Tony Crabtree
4 Malcolm Barnes
5 Nicky Pullan
6 Daniel Knight (C)
Rung before Evensong.
First in method on bells.

L - R: Tony C, Nicky, Tony P, Sarah, Malcolm and Daniel
Photo: Chris Hicks
Gloucestershire & Bristol Diocesan Association
Sunday, 9 April 2017 in 42 mins (8-2-11 in A)
1260 Grandsire Doubles
1 Malcolm Barnes
2 Colin Woodley
3 Nicky Pullan (C)
4 Tony Pullan
5 Rob New
6 David Tapscott
Rung before Evensong.

L - R: Tony, Nicky, David, Colin, Malcolm and Rob
Photo: Chris Hicks
Gloucestershire & Bristol Diocesan Association
Sunday, 16 April 2017 in 43 mins (8-2-11 in A)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Ann Eyles
2 Alison Alcorn - First Inside
3 Shirley Charity
4 Tim Eyles
5 Gordon Belcher (C)
6 Ruth Plumridge
Rung before Easter Sunday afternoon Service by the ringers of Christ Church, Old Town, Swindon.
Gloucestershire & Bristol Diocesan Association
Sunday, 21 May 2017 in 41 mins (8-2-11 in A)
1296 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Tony Pullan
2 Nicky Pullan
3 Malcolm Barnes
4 Donna Pullan
5 Alan Woodward
6 Michael Woodward (C)
Rung before Evensong.
First of Surprise on the bells.
Alan Woodward has now rung quarter peals on all 20 Swindon Branch ringable towers.

L - R: Nicky, Donna, Alan, Tony, Michael and Malcolm.
Photo: Chris Hicks
Sunday, 18 June 2017 in 42 mins (8-2-11 in A)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Kathleen Power
2 Lucy Eyles
3 Jonathan Kimber
4 Rose-Anne Kimber
5 David Richards (C)
6 Donna Pullan
Rung before Evensong.

L - R: Jonathan, Rose-Anne, Kathleen, Donna, Lucy and David.
Photo: Tony Pullan
Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association
Wednesday, 12 July 2017 in 43 mins (8–2–11 in A)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Nicky Pullan
2 Malcolm Barnes
3 Tony Pullan (C)
4 Shirley Charity
5 Alan Eyles
6 George Eycott
Wednesday, 12 July 2017 in 43 mins (8–2–11 in A)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Nicky Pullan
2 Malcolm Barnes
3 Tony Pullan (C)
4 Shirley Charity
5 Alan Eyles
6 George Eycott
Rung open at the request of the family following the funeral of Lord Joffe of Liddington
2 and 3: Circled tower to quarter peals.

L - R: Nicky, Tony, Shirley, Malcolm, Alan and George.
Photo: Mel Eycott
Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association
Sunday 16 July 2017 in 41 mins (8-2-11 in A)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Rob New
2 Dena Osman
3 Donna Pullan (C)
4 Sarah Knight
5 Malcolm Barnes
6 Nicky Pullan
Rung before Evensong
6: Circled tower to quarter peals

L - R: Dena, Rob, Malcolm, Nicky Sarah and Donna.
Photo: Chris Hicks
Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association
Friday, 1 September 2017 in 43 mins (8–2–11 in A)
1260 Doubles (2m)
300 Grandsire and 960 Plain Bob
1 Malcolm Barnes
2 Enid Roberts
3 Tony Pullan
4 Shirley Charity
5 Alan Woodward (C)
6 Sarah Knight
Rung half muffled before the Memorial Service and Internment of Ashes of Ada Mary Handy,
aged 101 years, whose family were huge supporters of the church and the Bells Project.
Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association
Saturday 28 October 2017
1440 Cambridge Surprise Minor in 49 mins (8-2-11 in A)
Composed by Donald F Morrison (No 4900)
1 Rob New
2 Tony Pullan
3 Nicky Pullan
4 Malcolm Barnes
5 Donna Pullan
6 Alan Eyles (C)
For the first anniversary of the dedication of the new peal of bells
Longest length on the bells
5: Circled tower to quarter peals
First of minor as conductor
Sunday, 25 March 2018 in 41 mins (8–2–11 in A)
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1 Anne E Jones
2 Nicky Pullan
3 Robert O'Hagan
4 Donna Pullan
5 Tony Pullan (C)
6 Jackie O'Hagan
Rung before Evensong.
Another "Jones Family" Quarter Peal.
With congratulations to Lily and Glen Bellini, married on Friday 23rd March 2018 in Mildura, Australia.
Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association
Sunday, 24 June 2018 in 44 mins (8–2–11 in A)
1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor
1 Nicola Pullan
2 Helen Tombs
3 Rob New
4 Pete Tombs
5 Donna Pullan
6 Tony Pullan (C)
3 - First of Surprise Minor inside for 27 years
Rung before Evensong
Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association
Saturday 29 September, 2018 in 59 mins (8–2–11 in A)
1800 Doubles
360 Grandsire, 480 St Nicholas, 480 Winchendon, 480 Reverse Canterbury.
1 George Eycott - Longest Length
2 Tony Pullan
3 Donna Pullan - Longest Length
4 Alan Eyles
5 Daniel Knight (C)
6 Malcolm Barnes
For the birth of Benjamin Richard Eycott, born 10 September 2018.
Longest length on the bells.
Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association
Sunday 28 October 2018 in 68 mins (8–2–11 in A)
2160 Doubles
360 Grandsire, 360 St Nicholas, 360 Winchendon, 360 Reverse Canterbury, 360 St Simons,
240 St Martins, 120 Plain Bob.
240 St Martins, 120 Plain Bob.
1 George Eycott - Longest Length
2 Tony Pullan
3 Michael Woodward
4 Donna Pullan - Longest Length
5 Daniel Knight (C)
6 Malcolm Barnes
For Evensong.
Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association
Sunday 19 January 2018 in 1 hour 19 mins (8–2–11 in A)
2520 Doubles
360 Grandsire, 360 St Nicholas, 360 Winchendon, 360 Reverse Canterbury, 360 St Simons,
360 St Martins, 360 Plain Bob.
360 St Martins, 360 Plain Bob.
1 George Eycott - Longest Length
2 Tony Pullan
3 Michael Woodward
4 Alan Eyles
5 Daniel Knight (C)
6 Malcolm Barnes
Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association
Sunday 26 January 2018 in 60 mins (8–2–11 in A)
2040 Doubles
240 Grandsire, 360 St Nicholas, 360 Winchendon, 360 Reverse Canterbury, 240 St Simons,
240 St Martins, 240 Plain Bob.
240 St Martins, 240 Plain Bob.
1 George Eycott
2 Tony Pullan
3 Alan Woodward
4 Alan Eyles
5 Daniel Knight (C)
6 Malcolm Barnes
Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association
Friday, 1 November 2019 in 45m (8–2–11 in A)
1260 Doubles (3m)
240 All Saints 240 Rev Canterbury 780 Plain Bob
1 Malcolm Barnes
2 Helen Tombs
3 Peter Tombs
4 Colin Wilkins
5 Tony Pullan (C)
6 Samuel D E Griffiths - First on Tenor
For All Saints Day