Ringers Needed
Ringers Needed
Learn to Ring the Church Bells at Wanborough and Liddington
Wanborough and Liddington churches urgently needs volunteers to join the joint band of ringers who now ring the bells at both churches.
So far, only three learners have been recruited in the last few years and the band is eager to recruit more learners so that the bells at both churches will continue to be rung.
Church bells are rung for:
- Sunday Services
- Weddings and occasionally funerals
- Christmas, Easter and other Church festivals
- New Year celebrations
- National and International Events
- Local occasions
- Practices
Ringers come from all walks of life and of all ages and ringing is well within the capabilities of most people.
Being able to count is all the maths you need to know. And it is more skill than strength that is required.
Learners Practices will be arranged to suit our learners.
But if you would like to come along on a Friday night to see what bell ringing is all about, the main weekly practice starts at 7.30 pm and are as follows:
1st, 3rd & 5th Fridays at Wanborough
2nd & 4th Fridays at Liddington
If you would like to have a go or you need more information about church bell ringing, please contact Tony Pullan on 01793 790904 / 0774 5011 788.